Panties Pizza? What the hell!

“Panties” in English slang means female underwear or, Indonesian, “celana dalam cewek”. What the hell pizza!! It is very hot for sure! 😀 Mistranslation in business potentially runs your brand image, makes you look like an amateur, and badly hurts your reputation.

Panties pizza. WTH
“Panties” in English slang means female underwear. Wow! It’s really “hot” pizza!! 😀 
Mistranslation painfully scratches business image, doesn’t it? I suggest that the brand name is slightly modified into “Pantyz Pizza” in order to soften negative image.

Author: Dani Translator

Hello, World! I am Dani, an English - Indonesian - Russian translator with 20-year experience. My core services are translation, localization, and another language services, including, but not limited to, rewriting, proofreading, composing, blog posting, and summarizing. I also provide free post-delivery service ranging from 15 to 90 days. Free (^_^)/ yourself, hand your task over to me, and consider it completed.

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