Please, make up my room!

Considering context, “номер” refers to room instead of number. “Пожалуйста, уберите мой номер!” in this context should be translated as
“Please make up my room!”
“Please clean up my room!”

Please make up my room!
The translator was possibly blinded to context of the sentence because of, for example, using CAT tool, which generally isolated text from its context. Consider its context and it is obvious that the correct translation should be “Please make up my room” in English or “Harap kamar saya dirapikan” in Indonesian.
I don’t reject the tool. However, I realize that it has big flaw, with which it does not fit for expensive projects with high importance.

Author: Dani Translator

Hello, World! I am Dani, an English - Indonesian - Russian translator with 20-year experience. My core services are translation, localization, and another language services, including, but not limited to, rewriting, proofreading, composing, blog posting, and summarizing. I also provide free post-delivery service ranging from 15 to 90 days. Free (^_^)/ yourself, hand your task over to me, and consider it completed.

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